SEVEN!! I'm still in disbelief that Gordon and I have been married long enough to have a seven year old! Time just goes by faster every year. Our sweet William started Kindergarten on August 15, 2018. He has grown leaps and bounds since then.
Height- 3 feet 11.5 inches (35th percentile) He grew 3 inches in a year.
Weight- 44 pounds (14th percentile) He gained 4 pounds in a year.
BMI- 8th percentile
BP- 99/65
Eating- William is our predictable child. Pretty much everything he liked and disliked to eat at age 4 is the same now. We still give him whole milk since he's so skinny. He only drinks about 8 ounce of milk a day, so I figure it's not hurting anything (and I like the whole milk for my coffee. HAHA). Chick Fil A is still a favorite if we are doing fast food, but for a hamburger he loves McDonald's or Sonic. He'd rather not eat steak but loves chicken, pork, and salmon (in that order). Taco (and nacho) night is his favorite. He'd rather eat at home than go to a restaurant. Give him a sandwich on Hawaiian bread, cherry tomatoes, mac 'n cheese and some blueberries and he's a happy camper. He will eat peanut butter but he doesn't love it like I do. He still loves dark chocolate brownies, a coconut sno-cone and pumpkin pie year round. Luckily, he still loves most fruit and all vegetables. Green beans are his favorite and apples his least favorite. He still hates fruit snacks, skittles, suckers and really any other candy (unless it's chocolate he wants nothing to do with it). During the week breakfast is usually oatmeal or a waffle (also wants nothing to do with a bowl of cereal). He loves making homemade banana pancakes on the weekend. It's kinda become a family affair. :) He goes back and forth with yogurt and isn't crazy about string cheese. Overall, he's pretty easy going and a healthy eater.
Sleeping- This is one area that has improved! Around the time William turned 6 he stopped waking up in the middle of the night. He used to sneak into our room every night at 2 am. One day it just stopped! We try to go upstairs to start the bedtime routine at 8. Honestly, most night he's not asleep until 8:30 or 9. 90% of the time he's awake at 6am. He has a clock in his room and knows to not come down stairs until it's 6. Every once in a while he'll sleep until 7. Naps are a thing of the past (insert sad face). If I know we are going to be up late on a Saturday night I'll have him take a nap. He is never happy about it, but it helps him so much. Personality- William has continued to be a kind, gentle little soul that loves his family and hates to disappoint. He is rule follower but has started to come out of his shell and become more talkative. His Kinder teacher called him "a little turkey" a few times. ;)
After School Activites- We let William pick what sport he wants to play every season. In the Fall 2018 he played soccer and then Spring 2019 he played in a low key baseball league. William did a 6 week basketball clinic in January/February. So far he's liked them all but seems to favor soccer. He started Jiu Jitsu this past March. Jiu Jitsu is 2-3 days a week and is not only great exercise but he's learning so many good lessons!
Clothing size- Shoes size 13 and size 6/small clothes. He has a few things that are size 7, but I have to be careful because he hates when things are really long or baggy. Getting him to wear dress clothes and/or jeans is a huge battle. I think he got so used to wearing comfy stuff to school that putting him in jeans drives him crazy.
Things mommy loves- I love his love for Anna Grace. Some days they drive each other crazy, but no matter what he is so protective of her. I'm so proud of how well he did in Kindergarten. He is a great friend and a good student. I've never been more proud than when he got the Compassion award this past December. Mrs. S wrote on his award "William shows compassion to his classmates regularly. He is always checking on a friend who is sad and will always ask them to play." He may be an emotional little guy but he has the sweetest heart.
Mommy stuff- Life is always busy but it has definitely changed over the years. Less bottles and breastfeeding and more volunteering now. I was William's room mom this year! When they told me I'd been selected I freaked out a little. Luckily, it turned out great! I'm so glad I was able to get to know all the kids in his class better and loved that I was a friendly, familiar face when I was there on Thursday mornings to help with his class. Getting to help his teacher meant a lot to me as well.
Over the past year and a half I've made it more of a priority to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. The kids really love going to the YMCA, so that is a blessing.
Things WJG loves- Since the last time I did a real post we got Netflix! William is in love! He always has some show he's into. It ranges from Garfield to Discovery shows about animals. The latest Superman movie is also a favorite. Cutest thing.....he loves Christmas movies (especially The Grinch). He still loves his popcorn and a "movie".
He has a great imagination....coloring, blocks, and legos are his favs. The newest thing on his favorite list are the neighborhood kids. These guys loving playing together! They play basketball in the front, play with remote control cars and usually find a way to make a big mess. :)
Things WJG doesn't like- He still really hates going to bed! Spicy stuff is still a no go.
School Stuff- William is taking after the Hattenbach side of the family and loves math. It comes easy to him and he's much more interested in working with numbers than letters. He had great report cards all year long! As of now, reading is not his favorite. I just don't think it comes as naturally to him so he's a bit fearful. I keep telling him I love reading. He's not sold yet. :) PE and Art were his favorite "specials" at school. He has continued to show that he hates to disappoint anyone. The one time he got in trouble at school for talking he was heart broken. And last but not least, he is girl crazy! We were always hearing about his girlfriend. He started the year off liking Alison, then Avery and then back to Alison. We are in trouble. :)
Funny Things He's Said- These are a few of the things I've written down over the past year or two that I thought were cute/funny.
"There is no tickling in baseball."
"I can't marry Kennedy because I promised Anna Grace I would marry her."
"I didn't know I had a nickel on my ear!" (he was trying to say freckle on his ear)
One day Anna Grace was crying in the car. William said, "Mama, do you think she wants her DCE?" I was obviously confused and asked him what that meant. He shouted out a few more random letters. Finally he said, "Do you think Anna Grace wants her PACI?" He knew that once she heart the word "paci" she'd freak out so he was trying to spell it out for me. :)
He loves saying "that's interesting" and loves to find a pattern. "It's a pattern Mama. No school, school, no school, school."
When driving by the "bus barn" William said, "Look at all the buses! There are 61."
William came home with a note with a heart on it at the end of pre-K. I asked him if it was a love note. He got really embarrassed and said, "STOP, mama!"
Wants one more baby sister so they will kiss his face when they are bigger. xoxo
Favorite Song: Sunflower (song from Spiderman)
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Shape: Octagon
Favorite Animal: Cheetah (same as the last time I asked)
Favorite Friend: The 3 neighbor boys (Hunter, Ryan, Zyan)
When He Grows Up He Wants To: Daddy's Job
When asked what his parents do for work:
Daddy- build hous
Mama- Helps sick kids
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Reptile birthday party!!! |
We feel so lucky to share everyday with this wonderful little boy!