5718 Kansas was still in the process of being built when we first stepped foot into it. We both knew right away it's where we wanted to live. Gordon continued to look on a weekend I was working but nothing compared. Our future first home had the lay out we were looking for with beautiful finishes. It was in a developing area that was getting nicer every year. In the back of our minds we hoped to one day make some money when we sold it....and we did! The neighborhood is by no means perfect but we would be in a gated area, downtown and the galleria were both super close and the med center was easy to get to. There would be no commuting for work, we could still enjoy all of our favorite restaurants and we even had a little side yard for Gus. We were sold!
On May 5, 2010 we signed on the dotted line. It is one of the best decisions we ever made. Over the last 42 months we have made countless memories. I made our first dinner as a married couple here, I've spend many hours during bed rest staring at the walls thinking about our unborn baby, the kitchen is where I told Gordon we were expecting, we've had a ton of get togethers with some of our dearest friends, we went on a million walks with Gus and most importantly it's William's first home.
We always knew we'd move when our first baby was one or two. Honestly, we would have stayed longer if the housing market wasn't so great right now! Our old realtor kept emailing G asking him if we were interested in moving. After casually looking around in Katy we stumbled upon the perfect home.....big lot, cul-de-sac, game room, lots of room to grow (hint hint Gordon...haha), an open lay out, great school district and a park and pool 3 blocks away. SOLD. We even got in early enough to pick all our finishes. I'm sure I'll be doing a post soon about the new casa!
We put our home on the market on Saturday, June 29th. I was a bit anxious starting this process with a baby. But things went great! It was shown 10 times on the first day! Gordon and I were so excited that we called Ms. Melissa so we could have a date night. While we were at the movies we had 4 offers come in! The next day the house was shown another 6 times and another handful of offers came in. The first offer we excepted came in at $5,000 over asking price. Long story short the deal didn't work out. While we were in Rosemary Beach the first contract was terminated. So, we moved onto a buyer that had been interested at the beginning. After another round of inspections and appraisals, on September 6, 2013, we sold our home. We are so blessed to have gotten so much positive feedback (and so quickly). I will say that I am super grateful that we did all this when a) we only have one child b) I'm not pregnant c) we don't have a newborn. There have been some trying days but we are nearly done. :)
Here are some pictures taken by our realtor!
So today I will cry. I hate change. I really hate unknowns. I hate leaving so many precious memories. But I have pictures....lots of pictures! I'll remember this house forever. So many firsts. So much happiness. Thanks 5718 for a fabulous 3.5 years! Our new home in Katy has a lot to live up to. :)