It's hard to believe Anna Grace is already 1/2 year old. Every day with her is a happy day. We feel so blessed to call her ours. God sure knew what he was doing when he sent her to us. William is the best big brother and Gordon is turning into a fabulous daddy of a princess!
Weight: 15 pounds 5 ounces (34th percentile) up 3 lbs in 2 months
Height: 26.5 inches (76th percentile) up 1.5 inches in 2 months
Head: 40 centimeters (3rd percentile)
Eating: The week Anna Grace turned 6 months old we started giving her cereal. Unlike William, she knew just what to do what the spoon and food. :) I'd noticed that she'd become much more interested in what we were eating during meals. So, it's not much of a surprise that she was a happy girl when she got some food! After a few days of the cereal we gave her squash! So far so good. Anna Grace either has a 6 oz bottle when she wakes up around 6 or I nurse her. She usually has 3-4 six oz bottles at school and then eats once more when we get home, before bedtime.
Development: Baby girl can move toys from one hand to another and although she doesn't babble much she has done it....I'm thinking she's like her dad, only talks when he needs to. A week after she turned 6 months she rolled over from stomach to back. I honestly don't think she'll ever roll over the other direction. She absolutely hates being on her stomach.
Other: Anna Grace was baptized at the end of February! We had a great weekend celebrating her with our closest friends and family. She also got to go to the rodeo carnival for the first time. :)
Things She Loves: She still gets swaddled at bedtime and sleeps like a champ 95% of the time. She loves looking at mirrors and still adores her brother. She will laugh hysterically if you kiss her belly or throw her in the air. She also loves watching the older kids playing.
Things She Hates: Besides tummy time there really isn't anything. She definitely likes me the most but Gordon is starting to win her over. This sweet little baby only cries if she is tired or hungry.
From The Doctor: I can't say that Anna Grace enjoyed her 6 month check up too much. Poor baby hated the shots and wasn't a fan of the ear and mouth exam. As I've suspected for a while, baby girl has torticollis. We finally got a referral to see physical therapy and to see a specialist about baby girl's sweet little noggin. Anna Grace has a few challenges ahead of her, but we are in the best town, with the best children's hospital, to get her what she needs!
Every, Single, Day, This little girl amazes us. She is a happy, lovable, cuddly, strong little fighter.
This quote has never meant more to me than it does now.....LET HER SLEEP FOR WHEN SHE WAKES, SHE WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS.