I can hardly believe little William came into this world half a year ago!! He'll be heading off to college before I know it. He's gone from my little 3 pound baby to nearly 13 pounds.
SO fun watching him grow and change. :)
6 month stats:
Weight- 12 lb 7 oz (0.27%)
Height- 24.75 inches (5.25%)
Head Circumference- 16 inches (1.5%)
At every check up Dr. Freedman shows us where William is on the preemie growth chart. He is growing at the right "speed"....on the preemie charts he is about 40% weight, 25% height and 15% head.
Eating- 4 oz every 2-3 hours. Some days he'll eat 6 oz at a time when I'm off work or before he goes to bed. We started giving him cereal last week! He's really starting to love it and is getting the hang of the eating thing! We tried bananas this morning and he seemed to like them. I finally broke out the Baby Breeza...it's super quick and easy to use. I'm so excited about making his baby food (it doesn't take much time, it's cost effective and we won't be wasting all those glass containers!).
Sleeping- So long sleeping through the night. William's been waking up at 11pm and 3am to eat since the end of September. I think part of the reason is a) he's growing b) he eats less during the day since starting daycare. He may be 6 months old but he only weighs 12 lbs. Most babies weigh this by the time they are 2-3 months old. Thank goodness I'm patient and do well on little sleep. :)
Development- He loves his playmat! He grabs all the toys and shakes them around. He's much more alert and wants to play or talk to us. He's able to hold his head up so much better during tummy time and can even reach for things while laying on his tummy. He is still cooing and laughing/giggling up a storm. Over the last week he started grunting at us. He grunts when he wants to be picked up or needs a change in his environment. At his 6 month check up the doctor asked us a few developmental questions and unfortunately we couldn't say he was able to do everything. :( We just have to remember he should only be 4 months old. He can sit with assistance but hasn't started sitting up on his own (or by holding his hands in front of him, in the tripod position). No babbling yet but hopefully soon.
Clothes size- Little buddy is still wearing size 1 diapers but we'll be moving up to size 2 soon. I've noticed that Huggies seem to run smaller than Pampers. He is wearing 3 month clothes in most brands but can fit into 3-6 month stuff (we just roll up the sleeves).
Things mommy loves- Our hearts melt when he giggles. It is so neat to see him grow and change every day! I never imagined I'd be so protective and in love.
Things WJG loves- These days he likes to hold his hands near his ears when he's eating. If his hands aren't near the sides of his face he has a hand on his bottle like a big boy. He loves sucking on his hands and thumb and still loves blowing bubbles.
Things WJG doesn't like- He really seems to hate being in his carseat after I pick him up from school. Other than that he's usually fine (unless he's hungry). He wakes up STARVING at 3am....you would think we never fed the kid.
Mommy stuff- Hate to say it but my hair is falling out. I knew it could happen after pregnancy but I just hoped it wouldn't. I'm still taking my prenatal vitamins since I'm breast feeding so hopefully that will help some. Thank goodness I had thick hair! I've lost all my pregnancy weight and am loving mommyhood. I'd have 6 kids if G would let me. I cry when I watch anything to do with someones child being harmed. Ex: Taken 2- I cried when Dad and daughter were safe at US Embassy because I hated that she was so scared. Hormones.
Shots- William got two shots and one oral vaccination at his doctor appointment on Tuesday. He felt a little warm before he went to bed that night so we gave him a bath and some tylenol. He slept well and was in a happy mood the next day. I think I'll try and do shots in the afternoon from now on. When we get them done in the morning he seems sad the rest of the day. We are going back this week for the first of two flu shots. The second flu shot will be a month after that. William will also be getting the RSV shots since he's a preemie. It is a series of 3 shots....boo. But, 3 shots beats a sick baby that has to be in the hospital! We've had 2 kids in our clinic with RSV and 2 flus and it's only October! Yuck. He'll get his last Hepatitis shot in either December or January. After that the shots will be a lot less frequent.
My BFF, Alison, took some 6 month photos of William last weekend. She did a fabulous job! Here's a sneak peek.
Little buddy and I had a photo shoot this past Wednesday. I'm trying to get better with the fancy camera....