October- Gordon's first words were "really?" and then Congratulations! I remember LOL since we both deserved a congratulations
November- At 12 week preggo we finally told our friends and extended family over Thanksgiving.
December- It's A Boy!
January- Healthy baby at anatomy scan and nursery room shopping.
February- My 30th birthday!
March- Two baby showers and the bedrest fun started.
April- William made his debut at 3 lbs 14 oz.
May- Came home from the NICU on May 16th.
June- Lots of cuddling at home and first wedding in Dallas!
July- First 4th of July, mom back to work and beach trip.
August- Hanging out with the nanny during the day and mommy and daddy at night.
September- First time to the lake, sip and see in Texarkana, and 1st trip to Midland.
The night I told Gordon I was pregnant we had Pronto's for dinner. So, Friday night, one year later, the three of us went to dinner at Pronto's. We've had a nice relaxing weekend at home. Just the three of us!! William and I have been a little under the weather so it was nice to not do anything. We did finally venture out today to enjoy this nice, cool fall weather. We grabbed a Spiced Pumpkin Latte and walked around Memorial Park. Can't wait to see what the next year has in store for us....this past one was pretty awesome!
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