I had a wonderful first Mother's day yesterday!! It started bright and early at 3am when I was up pumping and putting the milk in the freezer. I found a gifted wrapped box and hand made card from Gordon on the kitchen counter. My fabulous husband had found the time to get me something I've been talking about for years....a pair of Christian Louboutin high heels. I still can't believe he did it! What's even more ironic is that a few days after William was born I was holding him and said out loud, "Who would have thought after I had you I'd never want another pair of fancy shoes again." It may sound cheesy but I feel so much more complete since I've had William. I feel more content and at ease than I ever have before AND I've grown even closer to Gordon. I've only been a mom for 4 weeks but I feel like the three of us have been through quite a bit in a short amount of time. My heart has never felt so full of love and hurt so bad at the same time. William has been through so much but is such a little fighter. I am one blessed mama!!
Love Them! |
So what did I did on this special day? I had a nice quiet day at the hospital with my sweet baby boy while Daddy ran some errands. I spent the night at the house on Saturday since William had a great nurse for four night in a row that I trusted. I needed to get some clean clothes and I figured a decent night sleep wouldn't hurt either. :) Dr. Hankins told us we needed to go have a date night at the movies before William went home....I guess NICU nurses are the best babysitters you could ever ask for and since I don't think I'll trust anyone to watch the little guy for a while we took his advice! We compromised and went to see The Avengers yesterday afternoon. It was surprisingly good (and funny). I think I told Gordon about 40 times during the movie that I was ready to go back and see my baby. Other than the movie I just did lots of cuddling in the hospital rocking chair with William. I'm looking forward to many more Mother's day celebrations!
Several people have said that William looks a lot like me. I found this picture of me the other day and realized just how much we look alike!! I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that he gets his daddy's eyes (and laid back personality!).
Baby picture of ME :) |
William James |
Here's a few pictures from the weekend. As you can see NO MORE FEEDING TUBE! Now that's a good Mother's Day present! Happy Mother's Day to all you fabulous women out there...especially my wonderful momma. She is an amazing mother that has loved me and my brother unconditionally. She is a sweet kind hearted women that never puts herself first and is always there when you need her. I can only hope to be half as good of a mother as she has been!!
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