Total weight gain? Up 2 pounds from my last appointment on March 26th (total weight gain is 17 pounds).
Maternity clothes? No change from last week. Mostly wearing pajamas around the house.
Exercise: Can't :(
Stretch marks? Nope. I read that bio-oil was good to use during pregnancy so I bought some the other day!
Sleep: Overall pretty good. My back hurts a lot these days so I wake up feeling really uncomfortable several times a night. Don't know if the back ache is from laying down all day or from carrying a baby for the past 8 months?!?Best moment this week: Just glad he hasn't been born yet!
Miss anything: Lots of stuff...mostly just normal everyday life. I miss our weekend routine of breakfast at Barnaby's, grocery shopping together and walking at the park.
Movement: He's still really active (especially at night).
Food cravings: Nothing really. I've been really into chocolate covered marshmallows now that Lent is over.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Labor signs: My cervix has shortened more from 1.8 to 1.43
Belly button in or out? No change...just barely out.
Wedding rings on or off? On. I don't really wear them when I'm just laying around the house.
Happy or Moody? Happy that I'm still pregnant & anxious about how much longer I will be!
Looking forward to: The day I bring our baby HOME.
Other: Uncle Dustin got married this past weekend in Jamaica.
I had 2 doctors appointments this week. William's heartrate was 146 both days and my blood pressure is still good (100s/60s).
Funny dad moment: There are a million (I need to start writing them down after he says something funny)! I asked G what he would do if I went into labor on Easter. He calmly said, "Well Lindsey, I'd freak the **** out and throw you in the car." He's such a laid back guy but I have a feeling this part of pregnancy could send him over the edge. LOL. I sure do love that man!
31 weeks 3 days |
In the parking garage on the way to the doctor! |

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