Things here in the NICU have gone better than we could have hoped for. William is a tough little guy and has done a great job so far. Gordon and I are really pleased at his progress and pray he continues to do as well as he has.
Here's a day to day recap of his first week of life.
Thursday, April 19th: Taken to NICU immediately after being born. Started on CPAP. Mommy held him for the first time around noon. A PIV (peripheral IV) was placed to give him TPN and lipids (nutrition and hydration) as well as an OG tube for feeds. He received 4 cc of breast milk every three hours until the next morning.
Visitors = Kami, The Wilson Family, Jacquie Aylmer, NANA, Vince Zito, Rachel, Grant and Emily.
Friday, April 20th: William started requiring more oxygen and overnight had some oxygen desaturations. He was diagnosed with hyaline membrane disease so they decided to intubate him that afternoon. He was given surfactant at 9pm that night and 2am the next morning. He was NPO (nothing by mouth) in preparation for the intubation so the OG tube was removed in the morning and again replaced at 6pm. They had some problems getting him intubated and ended up calling the anesthesiologist to do it (who did an excellent job after giving the little guy some pain and relaxation medication). Friday was a busy day! This is the only day I didn't get to hold him.
Visitors = Anna, Stacy, Whitney & Chris Barteau.
Flowers from The Hanover Company |
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First Bath |
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Happy Birthday |
Monday, April 23rd: Feeds were increased to 8 cc every three hours and the bili light was changed to just the bili blanket. The VAT team came by to assess him for a possible PICC line. Since he was still getting the TPN/lipids they thought he may need a better line than just a PIV. Being a nurse that works with the VAT team myself I completely understood....but deep down I really didn't want him to get a PICC. Luckily, sextuplets were born at the hospital that day and they needed PICC lines more than William so he got bumped to the next day. I spent the night at the hospital and got about zero sleep.
Visitors = Tina
Tuesday, April 24th: Daddy had to go back to work but the good news is the bili blanket was stopped today! William was super glad to have the glasses off and I was able to hold him more often which makes for a happy momma and baby. His feeds were increased to 13cc every three hours. Since he was doing so well with the feeds they said we could hold off on the PICC line since his TPN would most likely be stopped the next day. He did have to have another PIV placed that evening because the original one started leaking. :( He actually did really well with the poke. I think he hates having his temperature taken under his arm more! My dad or PAPA got into town Tuesday evening.
Weight = 3lb 10oz
Holding Daddy's finger |
Wednesday, April 25th: Today was a BIG more CPAP!! It was so great to finally get to see the little guys face without that big contraption. I know he really loved having it off too. He was so glad to get rid of the CPAP that he decided to pull out his OG tube as well. He actually did that twice that day. Poor guy doesn't understand why he needs that thing. His feeds were increased twice that day to 18 cc every 3 hours and 22 cc every 3 hours starting that evening. Tonight was bath night and Gordon's first time to hold William. So sweet!
Weight = 3lb 9.8oz
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Look at that precious face! |
First time to be held by my dad |
Thursday, April 26th: I brought some socks from home to put on his hands so he wouldn't be able to pull out the tube so easily. Mittens are too big but the socks seem to do the trick. The OG tube was changed to a NG tube, his feeds were increased again twice in one day (22cc and 27cc), his TPN was stopped (NO more PIV) and he got to do some "practice" breast feeding. They have him do this so he kinda gets the idea of what to do. I pump before we practice since the goal isn't to feed him just get him used to the feel of it all. At 34 weeks gestation (Sunday) we will try out a bottle.
My dad, Grant and Gordon did some skeet shooting in the evening. I think it was good for Gordon to get out and get some fresh air! I stayed at the hospital overnight. Little man is quite the night owl. There was little sleeping done between 2-6am and then I spend most of the day holding him while we do practice feeding and then while he gets his tube feedings. We try to not move him around too much during the feeding and for 30-60 mintues after.
Little William is going to be famous! The attending on service this month, Dr. Speer, asked me if he could record us for a video. I'm hoping they send us the final product once it's done.
Weight = 3lb 10.4oz
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My little snuggler |
Friday, April 27th: Today was a sad parents headed back to Midland. My mom was such a great help!! She ran lots of errands and was able to help take care of Gus when Gordon and I were at the hospital over night. William's feeds were increased to 31 cc every 3 hours and that evening to 36cc. He vomited up quite a bit of his noon feeding. :( The doctor came by to take a look at him after this and he seemed to be feeling fine. No crying when she felt his belly and he had good bowel sounds. We are hoping this was a one time deal because he really needs all the calories (and hydration) he can get! We did some more practice nursing and lots of cuddling. He LOVES to be held so I usually do skin to skin so he stays nice and warm.
So, there you go! One busy week for the Gooding family. Gordon and I couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing families and friends. We're keeping our fingers crossed that we get to go home in the next 2 weeks. What a great Mother's Day present that would be. So for now, we are just hoping he can gain weight, start drinking from a bottle next week and at 35 weeks gestation (May 6th) leave the incubator and transition to a crib.

What a whirlwind you guys have been through Lindsey! I'm sure it has been so hard seeing William go through so much in his first few days but I am so happy to hear that he is doing well. I will keep praying for the little guy and I hope you get to go home soon.