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Friday, April 27, 2012

Week One in the NICU

My oh my how time flies by!!  I'm still shocked that William is here and that I'm not pregnant anymore.  Words can't explain how in love I am with our little guy.  I could just stare at him for twenty four hours a day.  But, I do feel a little sad to not be carrying him inside of me anymore.  I guess I'm one of those weird people that really really loved being pregnant.  Besides the stress of my uterus problems I couldn't have asked for a better pregnancy.  I loved being able to feel him move around in there and knew I would miss having him with me ALL the time. 
Things here in the NICU have gone better than we could have hoped for.  William is a tough little guy and has done a great job so far.  Gordon and I are really pleased at his progress and pray he continues to do as well as he has. 

Here's a day to day recap of his first week of life.

Thursday, April 19th:  Taken to NICU immediately after being born.  Started on CPAP.  Mommy held him for the first time around noon. A PIV (peripheral IV) was placed to give him TPN and lipids (nutrition and hydration) as well as an OG tube for feeds.  He received 4 cc of breast milk every three hours until the next morning.
Visitors = Kami, The Wilson Family, Jacquie Aylmer, NANA, Vince Zito, Rachel, Grant and Emily.

Friday, April 20th:  William started requiring more oxygen and overnight had some oxygen desaturations.  He was diagnosed with hyaline membrane disease so they decided to intubate him that afternoon.  He was given surfactant at 9pm that night and 2am the next morning.  He was NPO (nothing by mouth) in preparation for the intubation so the OG tube was removed in the morning and again replaced at 6pm.  They had some problems getting him intubated and ended up calling the anesthesiologist to do it (who did an excellent job after giving the little guy some pain and relaxation medication).  Friday was a busy day!  This is the only day I didn't get to hold him.
Visitors = Anna, Stacy, Whitney & Chris Barteau.

Flowers from The Hanover Company

Saturday, April 21st:  I woke up feeling really yuck.  I was so nauseated.  After eating a little breakfast we visited William in the NICU.  I held him for about 45 minutes and then had to go back to the room to lay down.  I think a lot of the nausea was exhaustion and my milk coming in (woo hoo).  Gordon and my mom took turns staying with the baby while I rested.  I took some zofran and received my TDAP shot.  William was extubated at 4pm and put back on CPAP.  Gordon and I had a romantic (haha) celebration dinner that the hospital provides with sparkling grape juice and a birthday cake.  I was discharged from the hospital that evening.  That night we helped give William his first bath! 

First Bath

Happy Birthday

Sunday, April 22nd:  William got to meet Gordon's parents today and his feeds were restarted at noon (4cc of breast milk every three hours).  He was also put under the bili lights due to an increase in his bilirubin level that morning.  He wasn't a fan of the "sunglasses".

Monday, April 23rd:  Feeds were increased to 8 cc every three hours and the bili light was changed to just the bili blanket.  The VAT team came by to assess him for a possible PICC line.  Since he was still getting the TPN/lipids they thought he may need a better line than just a PIV.  Being a nurse that works with the VAT team myself I completely understood....but deep down I really didn't want him to get a PICC.  Luckily, sextuplets were born at the hospital that day and they needed PICC lines more than William so he got bumped to the next day. I spent the night at the hospital and got about zero sleep.
Visitors = Tina

Tuesday, April 24th:  Daddy had to go back to work but the good news is the bili blanket was stopped today!  William was super glad to have the glasses off and I was able to hold him more often which makes for a happy momma and baby.  His feeds were increased to 13cc every three hours.  Since he was doing so well with the feeds they said we could hold off on the PICC line since his TPN would most likely be stopped the next day.  He did have to have another PIV placed that evening because the original one started leaking.  :(  He actually did really well with the poke.  I think he hates having his temperature taken under his arm more!  My dad or PAPA got into town Tuesday evening. 
Weight = 3lb 10oz

Holding Daddy's finger

Wednesday, April 25th:  Today was a BIG more CPAP!!  It was so great to finally get to see the little guys face without that big contraption.  I know he really loved having it off too.  He was so glad to get rid of the CPAP that he decided to pull out his OG tube as well.  He actually did that twice that day.  Poor guy doesn't understand why he needs that thing.  His feeds were increased twice that day to 18 cc every 3 hours and 22 cc every 3 hours starting that evening.  Tonight was bath night and Gordon's first time to hold William.  So sweet!
Weight = 3lb 9.8oz

Look at that precious face!

First time to be held by my dad

Thursday, April 26th:  I brought some socks from home to put on his hands so he wouldn't be able to pull out the tube so easily.  Mittens are too big but the socks seem to do the trick.  The OG tube was changed to a NG tube, his feeds were increased again twice in one day (22cc and 27cc), his TPN was stopped (NO more PIV) and he got to do some "practice" breast feeding.   They have him do this so he kinda gets the idea of what to do.  I pump before we practice since the goal isn't to feed him just get him used to the feel of it all.  At 34 weeks gestation (Sunday) we will try out a bottle.
My dad, Grant and Gordon did some skeet shooting in the evening.  I think it was good for Gordon to get out and get some fresh air!  I stayed at the hospital overnight.  Little man is quite the night owl.  There was little sleeping done between 2-6am and then I spend most of the day holding him while we do practice feeding and then while he gets his tube feedings.  We try to not move him around too much during the feeding and for 30-60 mintues after. 
Little William is going to be famous!  The attending on service this month, Dr. Speer, asked me if he could record us for a video.  I'm hoping they send us the final product once it's done. 
Weight = 3lb 10.4oz
My little snuggler

Friday, April 27th:  Today was a sad parents headed back to Midland.  My mom was such a great help!!  She ran lots of errands and was able to help take care of Gus when Gordon and I were at the hospital over night. William's feeds were increased to 31 cc every 3 hours and that evening to 36cc.  He vomited up quite a bit of his noon feeding.  :(  The doctor came by to take a look at him after this and he seemed to be feeling fine.  No crying when she felt his belly and he had good bowel sounds.  We are hoping this was a one time deal because he really needs all the calories (and hydration) he can get!  We did some more practice nursing and lots of cuddling.  He LOVES to be held so I usually do skin to skin so he stays nice and warm.   

So, there you go!  One busy week for the Gooding family.  Gordon and I couldn't have done it without the help of our amazing families and friends.  We're keeping our fingers crossed that we get to go home in the next 2 weeks.  What a great Mother's Day present that would be.  So for now, we are just hoping he can gain weight, start drinking from a bottle next week and at 35 weeks gestation (May 6th) leave the incubator and transition to a crib.   


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Birth Story

After our appointment on Wednesday (with MFM) Gordon and I were feeling pretty discouraged about the growth restriction.  We hated to think he was in there not growing and possibly not getting the nutrition he needed.  I still hoped we could make it to 34 weeks.....William (and my body) had other plans. 
The night before (Tuesday), I insisted we do some rearranging of the TVs in our house.  We ended up putting another TV in the living room entertainment center (it wasn't being used for much other than storage for the cable and DVD).  Gordon hooked everything up so he can play XBOX and we can watch Netflix on this TV.  So, back to Wednesday night.....Gordon played a couple of games on the XBOX while I did my 32 week blog update.  We headed to bed at 11:00.  At 1:00 am Thursday morning I woke up to use the restroom and knew something wasn't quite right.  I laid back down trying to decide if I should call the doctor then or in the morning.  I didn't have to make a decision because 30 minutes later I felt a "pop".  My water had broken!  I woke Gordon up and started giving some instructions.  He got dressed and fixed his bed head up a little while I called the doctor and threw a couple more things in my hospital bag.  We were out the door and on the road by 2:00.  My contractions started coming regularly as soon as my water broke.  I tried to time them on the drive to the hospital but they were so close together I figured he'd be coming out SOON. 
We arrived to the hospital and were taken to an observation room on the 11th floor at 2:20.  By 2:40 I was all hooked up to the monitors and 4 cm dilated.  The nurse asked me some questions about my birth plan and pain management.  My response: I want an epidural and to get him out safely!  By this point I was pretty uncomfortable and really hot.  At 3:15 I was moved to delivery room 901.  I remember telling the nurse the hallway felt so good.  It was nice and cold (Gordon says he was freezing everywhere he went that day.  Not me!).  My nurse, Chiquita, asked a few more silly questions like if I smoked and how much alcohol I drank during pregnancy and then started an IV and fluids.  I only had 2-3 minutes between each contraction so I was getting pretty tired and felt nauseous and still SO hot.  Luckily, I got my epidural at 4:30!!!  Woo Hoo!  Things were much better after that.  Gordon says I was like a new women when he got back to the room.  The anesthesiologist did an excellent job.  I couldn't feel anything and was still able to move my legs a little.  At this point they started talking about trying to keep me pregnant for another week.  Yeah right!  I knew that wasn't going to happen but was willing to do what they told me to.  My nurse gave me a steroid shot to help develop the babies lungs and then the resident checked me again at 5:15 and found that I was 10 cm dilated.  The NICU team was called since I was obviously having baby boy soon.  A neonatologist, Dr. Fernandez, came by and spoke to Gordon and me about what we could expect once William arrived.  I had a hard time focusing during this conversation since my entire body was shaking.  Poor Gordon kept asking if I needed a blanket and the nurse kept telling him no that I was just in labor and ready to start pushing.  Dr. Zepeda arrived at 6:00 and that's when the pushing started.   William James arrived at 6:21.  Daddy went with him to NICU and sent updates and pictures to me regularly.  My epidural was removed at 7:00, I ate a little breakfast at 8:30, and was moved to postpartum room 1213 at 9:30.
I still can't believe everything happened so fast.  I loved being pregnant with him and will always cherish those eight months I had with him inside of me.  We now have a beautiful baby that we love more than I could have ever imagined.  God is GOOD!  I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband and loving family and friends.  The road ahead may be hard but we wouldn't have it any other way.  We are blessed!

Hello World!


Our Baby Boy is HERE!

William James Gooding decided he couldn't wait any longer to meet his mommy and daddy!  We got to meet our precious baby boy on April 19, 2012 at 6:21 am.  He actually came out a little bigger than we expected at 3 lbs 14.7 oz and 16.7 inches long.  William was immediately taken to the NICU after being born where they are doing a fabulous job taking care of him.  We feel so blessed to have him here with us and pray that his little body will grow stronger everyday.  We can hardly wait until the day we get to bring him home!!

Holding our baby for the first time.


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks 
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: I haven't slept very well the last few nights.  At least I can take a nap during the day!!
Best moment this week:  Finishing my yearly review for work.  I hate doing those things.
Miss anything: I guess I'm getting used to this bed rest thing because it's seeming more normal to stay at home all day and never see anyone besides Gordon and Gus.
Movement: He's the most active early in the morning and late at night.  The ultrasound tech had a hard time with the biophysical profile this week because he was sleeping so good.  It took some moving around (and poking on my belly) to get him up and moving!  I guess I shouldn't schedule the appointments at's apparently his nap time. 
Food cravings:  I really love eating toast with peanut butter and honey (I've loved it the entire pregnancy so it's nothing new).
Labor signs:  Some contractions but nothing regular or too painful.
Belly button in or out? No change
Wedding rings on or off?  On.  My hands do get a little bit swollen with all the laying down.
Happy or Moody?  Most days happy.  I usually feel emotionally drained after having a doctors appointment.  I'm just trying to stay positive and not think about all the what-ifs. 
Looking forward to:  Going to the doctor on Friday for a Non-Stress Test.  We've never had one done so it's something new.  I'm LAME...I know!   
Other: I went back to the Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor today to have a growth scan done of baby boy.  William has dropped down to the 5th percentile.  Since he is below the 10th percentile he's considered to have intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR).  We will now be going to the MFM twice a week (Tuesday/Friday) to monitor the little guy by doing biophysical profiles, doppler (to check blood flow) and Non-Stress Tests.
Baby STATS: Heart rate 148, Estimated weight 3lb 9oz
Funny dad moment:  I had a bit of an emotional breakdown on Sunday (poor Gordon).  Like most pregnant women I have all these things I want to get done BUT can't.  For some reason on Sunday I felt upset that we didn't have any baby shampoo or lotion.  Gordon went to Babies R Us and called asking if we needed "the stuff for cradle cap".  HAHA.  I sure hope not!  I got a good laugh out of the conversation (which was good after the emotional morning).  He's a good man and will be an excellent daddy.  :)



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks
Total weight gain? Up 2 pounds from my last appointment on March 26th (total weight gain is 17 pounds).
Maternity clothes? No change from last week.  Mostly wearing pajamas around the house.
Exercise: Can't :(
Stretch marks? Nope.  I read that bio-oil was good to use during pregnancy so I bought some the other day!
Sleep: Overall pretty good.  My back hurts a lot these days so I wake up feeling really uncomfortable several times a night.  Don't know if the back ache is from laying down all day or from carrying a baby for the past 8 months?!?
Best moment this week:  Just glad he hasn't been born yet!
Miss anything:  Lots of stuff...mostly just normal everyday life.  I miss our weekend routine of breakfast at Barnaby's, grocery shopping together and walking at the park. 
Movement:  He's still really active (especially at night).    
Food cravings:  Nothing really.  I've been really into chocolate covered marshmallows now that Lent is over. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Nope.   
Labor signs:  My cervix has shortened more from 1.8 to 1.43
Belly button in or out? No change...just barely out.
Wedding rings on or off? On.  I don't really wear them when I'm just laying around the house.
Happy or Moody?  Happy that I'm still pregnant & anxious about how much longer I will be!
Looking forward to:  The day I bring our baby HOME. 
Other: Uncle Dustin got married this past weekend in Jamaica.
I had 2 doctors appointments this week.  William's heartrate was 146 both days and my blood pressure is still good (100s/60s).       
Funny dad moment:  There are a million (I need to start writing them down after he says something funny)!  I asked G what he would do if I went into labor on Easter.  He calmly said, "Well Lindsey, I'd freak the **** out and throw you in the car."  He's such a laid back guy but I have a feeling this part of pregnancy could send him over the edge.  LOL.  I sure do love that man!

31 weeks 3 days

In the parking garage on the way to the doctor!


A Quiet Easter

Things were pretty quiet and uneventful at our house this Easter. We've gone to Texarkana the past three years so it was kinda sad to be stuck here.  It's well worth it if it helps baby boy stay put a little longer!  It does make me more excited for next years Easter!!  I can't wait to dress William up, take Easter bunny pictures, and hunt eggs (as best as a one year old can I guess).
We spent the weekend laying around of course.  Gordon did the grocery shopping, picked up some pants that were being altered at Dillard's, ran to Home Depot for outside light bulbs, bought stamps for thank you letters, went fishing Friday evening, and did some cooking on the Green Egg.  We watched lots of Chopped episodes and the movie Warrior.  The movie was actually pretty good.  I am NOT a fan of UFC so I was taken by surprise. 
Other exciting brother is officially a married man!  In honor of his Jamaican wedding Gordon took me on a date to get a snocone.  I got coconut :) since it reminds me of the beach (and it's always been my favorite flavor)!  Poor Gordon had to wait in line for 45 minutes.  What a good hubby! 

Cheers to Dustin and Skye

Gus insisted on sitting right there

31 weeks


Monday, April 2, 2012

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks (the size of a head of lettuce)
Total weight gain? 15 pounds (at least as of a week ago)
Maternity clothes? Since I'm on bedrest I don't have to wear anything but comfy stuff like pajamas! 
Exercise: No exercising allowed.  I'm sure getting back into shape is going to be a whole lot of fun.  After only 7 days of bedrest I feel achy from all the laying around.  It will all be worth it in the end!
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: Since I don't have anywhere to go I stay up watching TV with Gordon until 10 or 11.  I only woke up twice last night to use the restroom.  If I wake up around 5 or 6 I usually have a hard time falling back asleep.  I've been getting up at 7:00 with Gordon.  I eat breakfast and usually end up taking a morning nap.
Best moment this week:  Not going into labor yet?!?  haha.  I'm grateful that William is so active.  It helps calm my nerves.  I'm really enjoying the rainy day today.  Kinda relaxing. 
Miss anything:  Walking at the park.
Movement:  Since I have a lot of time to feel his every movement I've noticed he gets the hiccups at least twice a day.  Poor little guy.  At least they only last a couple of minutes.  I've also felt more movement under my right rib cage over the past few days. 
Food cravings: I wanted a snocone SO bad weekend before last.  Gordon and I went to get one and they were closed.  :(  I was not a happy girl.  We had just been walking at the park and it sound so good.  We tried again the next day but the line was 30 people deep and I didn't feel like waiting.  Maybe I'll have Gordon try again one day this week. 
Anything making you queasy or sick:   Nope.  I feel sick to my stomach before doctor's appointments but that's just nerves!
Labor signs: Short cervix and what I think are Braxton Hicks contractions.  They only last a few minutes, aren't painful and only happen a couple of times a day. 
Belly button in or out? No change.  It's out a little bit but not much.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? It's day to day around here.  Most of the time bored and happy.  I have random crying spells (usually in the morning before Gordon leaves for work) but I'm sure that's pretty normal considering the circumstance the little guys and I are in.
Looking forward to:  My next doctor's appointment on April 10th and the growth scan around the 16th.
Other:  Gordon was able to hear William's heartbeat last night!  I had read it was possible but he'd never been able to hear anything until last night.  Pretty cool.    
Funny dad moment:  After reading the What To Expect 30 week update Gordon looked at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me the little guy was going to be nearly blind when he came out?"  HAHA.  They say newborns can only see objects  8-15 inches away.  Apparently, G found this to be disturbing news.  He sure does make me laugh a lot these days with all the baby "stuff" going on!

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