I can hardly believe this is my last pregnancy update (this makes me happy and sad all at the same time...haha)!! Baby girl finally decided to bless us with her presence on September 18th!
How far along? 38 weeks (September 11th- September 17th)
Weight gain: Gained 2 pounds in 1 weeks (up a total of 31 lbs)
Energy: Still feeling good. I will admitted I wasn't getting much sleep due to the heart burn, frequent bathroom breaks, baby girls high level of activity from 9-11 pm, and William's nightly escape from his room. Best moment this week: We had a fun Sunday as a family of only 3. William had a blast at Anthony's little gym birthday party and then we enjoyed our last dinner out at Dekkers! Worst moment of the week - William's first soccer practice! Things did NOT go well. (much more on that in another post)
Movement: She was most active from 9-11pm. I really tried to cherish those evenings laying in bed feeling her squirm around. It really is a once in a lifetime experience (well, twice).
Food cravings: Sweets and chips!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Miss anything? Sleeping on my back and stomach. Bending forward had become nearly impossible. For some reason this effected our nighttime routine with William the most....bath time, squatting down to help brush his teeth, helping him on/off the potty, crawling in and out of his bed to read books. I was definitely moving slower.
Stretch Marks? Luckily, I dodged this bullet!!!
Wedding rings on or off? Wedding band only.
Happy or Moody? SO ready to meet this baby girl. Being pregnant didn't bother me. There wasn't anything that I hated (besides the worrying). You always hear people say they are miserable at the end. Luckily, I never felt this way. I was just really ready to meet her, to see what she looked like, to see what her temperament was and to finally know how birthing her would go. Every day that I woke up still pregnant, with little to no sign of her coming, I was shocked. On Thursday, September 17th, I woke up a little sad because I was just sure I would go into labor that morning. I dropped William off at school for his soccer class and ran over to Starbucks to read my book. During that time I decided I was happy still being pregnant and there was no need to rush baby girl!
Other pregnancy symptoms: Not many (besides the usual). The only time I had contractions was after lots of walking etc. Nothing that lasted. My poor mama had come into town when I had the cerclage removed (we were so sure baby girl would be born soon after). After no signs of labor, she finally headed back to Midland on Saturday, September 12th.
From the doctor: I saw the Nurse Practioner on Monday, September 14th. I was still only dilated 2cm, my cervix hadn't changed much but they could feel baby girls head when they checked me. She was low! Baby girl's heart rate was 142 and my blood pressure continued to hang around 100/60s.
This child loved my big belly! |
Precious moments |
Last dinner as a family of 3 |
So, at 38 weeks 6 days pregnant at 7pm things started to change. I had spent that morning feeling a little sad we hadn't gotten to meet Anna Grace yet. Little did I know she planned on coming VERY soon. William and I had spent the day hanging out at the house together. To be honest, it was the most unproductive day I've ever had. I just figured I had another week before the baby would come so we might as well relax. That evening, William and I went on a long (uncomfortable) walk. When we got home I started making dinner. Gordon got home shortly after. I told him I was feeling a little funny all of a sudden.....sure enough, after a trip to the restroom I confirmed that maybe, just maybe baby girl would be coming sooner than later!
AND, SURE ENOUGH, SHE DID!!! Next up, Anna Grace's birth story!