I mean who wouldn't want to see this sweet boy EVERYDAY?!? |
His last night in our room! |
There he is sleeping in his crib like a big boy! Yes, I did take the bumpers out. I was also able to see his other monitor flash everytime he moved/breathed. That made me feel better too (yes, I worry a little). Gordon's brothers and our sister in laws gave us this Summer Baby Monitor. So far I've really liked it. It's easy to set up, has great sound, you can scan the room and you can see everything clearly. If you don't have one get one!
I did a post a while back about things that make our life easier....I thought I'd add a couple things to that list!
First up is the Baby Breeza. I can't say enough good things about this thing. It is so easy to use and doesn't take up much space in our cabinets. Last night I made apples, pears, apples w/bananas, pears w/bananas and squash.
My mom just got me the Cooking for Baby cookbook. I can't wait to read through it and get some ideas. The storage containers on the bottom are Babies R Us brand. I like the size but I have to tape them shut. They were cheap so I guess it's to be expected. The Baby Breeza storage containers are nice but they don't have measurements on them like the others. I know you can put the BB containers into the BB to defrost them. I've just been heating up a little water in a bowl and putting the containers in there to defrost (it only takes 10 minutes or so). Our favorite spoons are by NUK and Dr. Brown. I bought some others that were too wide for William's little mouth...maybe we can use them when he's older.
Here's William's school stuff! The "diaper bag" is from ThirtyOne (gift from a friend). It's perfect because it's light weight and has the two side pockets. I keep a couple changes of clothes in it, a nose suction thing, pedialyte, a swaddle blanket and a burp cloth. The bag on top is for his bottles and is from Pottery Barn Kids. It's easy to clean out when the bottles leak and fits 4-5 four ounce bottles easily.
I originally didn't think we needed one of these cover things for the carseat handle but after rubbing my arm raw one day I decided it was a must. It has two hooks on either side that you can hang toys on. Perfect! William loves playing with them. If you take the cover off it unrolls to a big circle that can be used as a changing pad or tummy time mat (it even has a "mirror" on one side). It's also been really helpful to have 2 carseats (Gordon and I each have one in our car). This way we don't have to lug the carseat into and out of daycare everyday!
So, besides the BOB stroller we have this Peg SI lightweight stroller that we got from W's Mimi and Grandad. You can put the carseat in it or just the baby. William is just now getting big enough to sit in it without being in the carseat. It's easy to open and close, doesn't take up much room, has a good amount of storage space on the bottom, has two hooks for your purse/diaper bag on the handles, is easy to push and turn and is light! I highly recommend getting one.
Behind the stroller is my first shipment to Texas Children's milk bank (oh and a nosy doggie). I was only able to fit 25 of the 50 bags I have for them....looks like I'll be calling them today for another box! If you are a new mom and making extra milk I encourage you to donate! Those tiny babies need some good mommy milk. Once I had collected 50 bags I emailed TCH and they sent this package to our house. It included two huge freezer packs that I had to freeze for 48 hours. This morning I called the FedEx company and arranged for a pick up time, put a freezer pack on the bottom of the cooler, followed by 25 bags of milk, another freezer pack and then the lid. I taped it up and put the already included shipping label on the top. DONE and so easy! The box will be overnighted to California where testing is done on all the milk. They will do testing on each bag of milk before it is sent to Houston to be given to the babies. Included in the testing is a DNA match. To become a donor you have blood work done as well as a DNA test (you swab the inside of your mouth with a Q-tip). The DNA testing is done so they can make sure the milk is really from me, the donor. William only had to get one day of donor milk before my milk started coming in. Thankfully, I have been able to provide William with all the milk that's he's needed...but had I not it's nice to know there are moms out there that could have helped our baby out during those critical days. Unfortunately, some women just aren't able to produce milk for whatever reason. I know I'm very blessed and so glad to be able to help out!
I better run....looks like I have a book to read to someone! Happy Wednesday!!!

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